jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Casa Batllo

April 13, 2012

Today I went to casa batllo. Sadly I realized I forgot my camera when I got there. I was very disappointed in myself, but I was not disappointed in the building. I was so inrigued by the architechture. Every room brought more and more to offer. I thought one of the most interesting parts of the house was the use of natural light. As well, when walking up the stairs, the tiles turn from lighter blue to darker blue. Also, when you are looking through the glass it feels like you are in water. My favorite part of the casa batllo was the room on the terrace which was the water room. In this room there was a metal ball with water flowing over it and a light relfecting that water on to the ceiling. There was also sound effects that actually made you feel like you were underwater. I thought that this was a great finishing touch to the casa and i thought it was very creative. I also thought an interesting part was that if you look off the terrace on to passeig de gracia there is a arch and if the buildings werent there you would be able to see the segrada familia through the arch. Gaudi wanted it this way so he could keep an eye on construction while he was at casa batllo.

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