martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Crackdown on Foreigners using Spainsh Healthcare

An article I read was about how the minister for health, Ana Mato, is getting more strict in foreigners use of spanish healthcare. This is a part of the 7 billion euro cuts. They are going to change the Ley de Extranjeria which will put a limit to "health tourism". The idea of health tourism is that people bring their families over to spain so that they can reap the health benefits. This means that only legal residence of spain will be able to get full health benefits and their families have to be legal residence as well. I think that this is very interesting because that is one of the things i noticed and liked about spain, how open their health care system was. It seems very easy to get good generic medicine from a pharmacy, which are located on every corner of the city. Health care is so strict in the U.S., so I thought this was interesting. Also, I understand the view of this article, because if taxpayers money is going into healthcare, it isn't fair that people are taking advantage of it without residency. The link for this article is

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