jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Overview of Barcelona Restaurants

At first, I was not a fan of food in barcelona. It was hard for me to find the right places to eat. However, today I have a few favorites. My favorite, just like any other abroad student, is Bo de B. It is always a favorite because it is cheap and delicious, as well as filling. The patatas bravas are also amazing. The only problem with Bo de B is that the line is always long.

Another favorite of mine is Bon Appetite, a pizza place around the Olympic Port. My favorite thing to get there is the romano pizza. I havent when there in a while, but I used to go there a lot in the beginning before I discovered good food closer to home. One of the nicer restaurants I've been to is Divinus. They have really good paella. Also, Pim Pam Burger is a favorite. As well, one of my favorite places to go after class is Oriol located right below COACB.

A new found discovery is happy pills the candy store. I have been meaining to go in there for a while but didn't get to it until this week but its an awesome place.

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